“No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.”
2022 has officially begun! How are you celebrating?
Regardless of what we may be seeing on the news, there is much to be thankful for as we enter this new year—community, family, a warm home, healthy food, and much more. This kind of intentional gratitude goes a long way in caring for ourselves and one another.
Now more than ever, it is important to be kind to ourselves. Grab a hot drink with a friend, head to the local mall for a walk, read a new book, or make an appointment with the barber or hairdresser. Take the time you need to care for yourself.
Your Optima Living community is here to support you! Let us know how we can better welcome you home.
Stay Safe. Be Well. Take Care.
4 Steps to Overcoming Cabin Fever

As we enter the third year of a global pandemic and the rise of a new variant, it is understandable that many of us are becoming restless and tired. Throw in the frosty winter, cold weather and dark days; experiencing a bit of cabin fever should be expected. However, here are a few ways you can make these gloomy days a little brighter!
1. Create a 'Thankful' list
Take some time to think and reflect on all of the good things in your life and in this world. Despite the hardship this season of life has brought many throughout the world, there is still a lot of good to be found. Dwelling on the good things rather than the bad can help you lift your spirits and remain hopeful for the future.
2. Rearrange or freshen up your space
Changing things up a bit in the space you are in can help refresh your mind and lighten the effects of cabin fever. It can be as simple as rearranging a piece of furniture, lighting a new candle, getting a new house plant to nurture or changing out your linens to something new!
3. Seek out 'intentional’ conversations
Thankfully, we live in a day and age where our loved ones are just a quick text or call away. Intentionally set out to connect with others in a safe manner. Maintaining social interactions with others has been proven to reduce stress and improve psychological well-being. Is there something you’d like to learn or develop? Seek out someone who knows about that thing and make a point of getting in touch with them. A busy mind is a happy mind!
4. Get some sunshine
Spend time soaking up the sun. Vitamin D has plenty of benefits for seniors, like preventing depression and strengthening bones. You might be surprised by how much an hour or two in the sun can lift your mood—plus, the sunrises of Western Canada are beautiful. Take a look at these sunrise photos by Edmonton photographer Luca Vanzella. CTV News reported on how his sunrise photos were featured by NASA. Congratulations, Luca!
Optima Living TV: Coming Soon

Aster Gardens Wins Architecture and Design Award!

We are pleased to announce that Aster Gardens, our community in Sherwood Park, Alberta, won second place in the Seniors Housing News Architecture and Design Awards. We are grateful for our partnerships with DIALOG, Pangman Development Corporation, and Pagnotta Inc.
Read more here.
Wisteria Place Featured in Global News

Wisteria Place was featured in Global News this month, highlighting the wisteria tree artwork in their foyer that was created by Roger Brenninkmeyer. This environmentally conscious artist is known for creating sustainable art pieces and this particular piece was created out of 18,000 plastic bags.
Read more here.
Cottonwood Village Honours Loved Ones

The Cottonwood Village residents honoured the memory of loved ones by releasing balloons. A service was held by Reverend Stefan Ulrich and it was featured in the Claresholm Local Press.
Christmas Celebration
Optima Living communities from across Western Canada submitted fun videos of Christmas activities. We are excited to share that joy and laughter with all of you! Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see it!
Chilliwack Lifestyles: Christmas Dinner
The Chilliwack Lifestyles community gathered together to celebrate the holiday season! With scrumptious food, festive song, and conversation, lots of fun was had during the evening.
Golden Sands: Bags for Charity
The Golden Sands community made Christmas gift bags for the Perfect Gift Store in Lac la Biche for low income families. Resident, Mary Ross, and student Chloe Cauthier-Schaub happily posed for a photo to share their creation, while resident Germaine Cadieux was busy designing her gift bag.
Country Cottage: Wish Tree

Country Cottage was selected by the Strathcona Hospital for a “Christmas Wish List” project. Each resident wrote a list of items they would like for Christmas, adding "donate to the Food Bank" and "donate to an animal shelter".
Festive Creations
The Norman Manor community had an evening of decorating Christmas cookies. The bakes looked so delicious, which meant there weren't many left after a sampling or two!
Wild Rose residents quickly got in the festive spirit and have been busy creating throughout the month—from making gingerbread houses to Christmas tree paintings!