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Book a TourWe provide residents with resources to keep them informed, learn new skills, and equipped to handle every scenario.
Retirement does not mean retiring from learning! Every day is an opportunity to discover something new. Our library covers the topics that today's seniors need to know, like health and fitness, creativity, relationships, brain health, and more.
Brain Health | Health and Fitness | Lifestyle
Never Too Late: The Power of Goal Setting at Any AgeHealth and Fitness | Brain Health | Lifestyle
The Science of Goal Setting: A Key to Healthy AgeingBrain Health | Lifestyle | Blog
Golden Pursuits: The Heartfelt Joy of Sharing Hobbies with Loved OnesBlog | Residence Updates | Optima Living News |
Optima Living contributes a record 30,000 pounds to local Food Banks across Alberta and BCArts and Culture | Brain Health | Creativity | Lifestyle
The Brain-Boosting Power of Hobbies: A Clinical PerspectiveNewsletter
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