Optima Living Newsletter September 2021

Posted on October 8th, 2021

When it comes to the news and social media around COVID-19, it makes one wonder how we navigate these times? One word comes to mind: love. We navigate all of this with love—care and compassion for those around us.

Continue to care for yourself and others in any way you can, like paying for someone else’s coffee at the drive-through, sharing a word of encouragement in an unexpected way, or reaching out to your neighbour. Above all, don’t give up hope.

If you are struggling, reach out to many of the online or mental health professionals that are available, or call your Optima Living community. We can put you in touch with a support network.

Our COVID update is available herePlease note that both Alberta and British Columbia are mandating that all health care workers be fully vaccinated by Oct 31. 

Stay Safe. Be Well. Take Care.

Farid Damji | Co-Founder & Principal
Optima Living

Upcoming Webinar: Newfound Freedom
Three elderly man cheering each other

On October 7th, we hosted an online webinar called, Newfound Freedoms. Optima Living Principal Ali Shivji sat down with residents from Wild Rose and discussed what life in a seniors’ community is like, and how their expectations for freedom, vibrancy, and activity were met or exceeded. Let us show you how this important life transition is nothing to fear! 

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch it!

Celebrating 104 Years of Longevity
A senior lady sitting on a black couch and wearing purple shirt

At Country Cottage, residents experience the “I’m home!” feeling from their first step inside. Just ask Jane! Even at 104 years old, she still enjoys socializing with others, group activities, and coffee on our patio. Many congratulations to Jane on her 104 years of longevity!

Wisteria Place Welcomes the First Residents
A senior lady standing in the door of her new home
An elderly lady smiling and waving her hand saying hello

At the beginning of September, Wisteria Place welcomed their first residents! There was much celebrating as friends and family arrived to move in. You can see the joy on Barbara Tuai's (top left) and Nancy Freeland's (top right) faces as they got settled into their new homes.

Wild Rose Open House
Wild rose shuttle bus on National food bank day
A group of people at Wild rose playing will an orange ball

On September 3rd, Wild Rose had a successful open house. It was also National Food Bank Day, so they celebrated "Fill the Bus" by collecting donations for the food bank.

They also hosted a Margaritaville-themed food drive complete with a steel drum band, Caribbean style BBQ, and a Margarita bar. 

Food Bank Drive

Edmonton based Optima Living communities donated 650 lbs of food to the food bank through their 'Fill the Bus' program. As the food bank shared, "Your 'Fill the Bus' initiative is so creative!" 

They were also mentioned in the Sherwood Park-Strathcona County News.

Fill the bus event at Country Cottage

High Tea at Norman Manor 
Senior citizens having their breakfast
Dining at Norman Manor retirement home

Norman Manor hosted a "High Tea" for their residents. A grand time was had by all who came out to indulge in scrumptious cakes, savoury sandwiches, and tasty tea.

Optima Living Webinar:
Age and Agency - Reimagining the Future of Later Life

The future of later life is exciting! Scientists and innovators are improving senior living every day, and Optima Living wants to keep you informed.

We had the honour of recently having a webinar with Dr. Zayna Khayat—author of The Future of Aging—and Optima Living Principal Ali Shivji. We discussed the great things in store for seniors. Agency is the name of the game.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see it!

To learn more about Dr. Zayna Khayat's work in the senior living sector, please visit these resources. 

Elizz.com - A lifestyle destination that inspires daughters and sons to live well while caring for their aging parents. 

The Future of Aging - Co-authored by SE Health and Idea Couture, the Future of Aging book presents answers and opportunities to rich and provocative questions related to aging. 
