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Do Boomers Have the Same Expectations of Senior Living Communities & Services?

Do Boomers Have the Same Expectations of Senior Living Communities & Services?

April 23rd, 2019

Baby boomers are the generation that has enjoyed the highest quality of life. They are used to doing things on their own time, and are expected to live the longest, healthiest life of any previous generation - perhaps even longer then millennials and subsequent generations. With this in mind, baby boomers might have unique expectations for senior living communities in BC and senior living communities in AB.

Higher Income

One of the defining features of most of the baby boomers is their higher savings and pension funds leading into retirement. This financial freedom will allow boomers to choose retirement living communities that offer the highest level of care and “resort like” features. Senior living communities should be an endless all inclusive vacation.

More Need for Care

With the size of the baby boomer population, the longer expected life spans, and more access to financial means, we can expect a massive demand for skilled and compassionate care professionals moving forward. Boomers will have expectations on receiving timely and exceptional care, from doctor and nursing services, to food and cleaning and daily care. This need will need to be met by exceptional care communities such as The Hamlets.

More Leisure Options

As previously mentioned, boomers are used to getting their way and enjoying every aspect of their lives. This trend will follow boomers into retirement and beyond as they search for ways to continue to stay active, participate in recreational activities, and enjoy their twilight years. Senior living communities in both BC and Ab will need to meet this demand by offering more varied and exciting leisure options.

While current senior living communities already offer world class care, the demands by baby boomers will continue to push the envelope, as they search for their dream retirement communities.