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Top 5 Considerations When Choosing an Assisted Living Comminuty

Top 5 Considerations When Choosing an Assisted Living Comminuty

January 30th, 2019

Making the decision to move into assisted living communities in British Columbia (BC) or Alberta (AB) can be an overwhelming and confusing decision. There are many considerations that must be taken into account when choosing an assisted living community. The top 5 considerations are:

- Location

- Physical Layout

- Services

- Cost

- Staffing


Location is an essential consideration for any assisted living community. It is important to consider not only the proximity of the home to friends and family, but also to other activities and services. In addition, it is important to survey the surroundings and look at access to medical services, shopping, coffee shops, or other amenities that you may find important.

Physical Layout

The next consideration is the physical layout of the assisted living community. There should be a floor plan that is easy to follow and navigate. Hallways should accommodate wheelchairs and walkers, and elevators should be well-maintained and accessible. Individual units and suites should also contain a layout that is suited to your lifestyle choices.


An assisted living community should have staff always available to help meet any concerns that could arise. It is important to find a place that can accommodate both scheduled and unscheduled needs, should any aries. Services should also be available at various levels, so should the need for a greater level of assistance arise, the services are available.


Cost is another important factor when choosing an assisted living community. The cost should be fair, but also affordable within your budget and saving available.


The final important consideration is the staff themselves. You want to look for a place with staff that are warm and welcoming. Staff members should be personable and outgoing, and work toward making your stay enjoyable.

There are many considerations to make when choosing an assisted living community in BC and AB. Make sure that with whatever choice you make, that you take the time to consider all factors to find your perfect home.