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What is Resident-Centred Care?

Many retirement communities, such as Optima Living's, offer resident-centred care. Resident-centred care is a model of care for seniors that invites, accommodates, and respects their personal wishes and desires in healthcare and lifestyle decisions. It involves working with the resident’s doctor or others to provide care that is both medically beneficial and desirable.

Resident-centred care allows the resident to voice their individual needs and wants, their preferences, and their doctor’s recommendations. it is unique in that it provides the following:


Caregivers respect the resident’s interests, helping them to stay healthy and engaged in things that are important to them.


In a resident-centred care community, residents are able to set their schedule rather than following a routine that they had no say in. They make choices such as what they want to eat, what they want to wear, when they want to wake up and go to bed, and how they spend their time during the day.


All dimensions of a resident’s health and well-being are taken into consideration - including physical health, but also:

  • Intellect

  • Creativity

  • Spirituality


Seniors living in resident-centred retirement homes maintain their rights to determine how their needs should be met. This gives both the resident and their caretakers more freedom to socialize and interact in a positive way.

For senior care that is empowering and personalized, look for a residence that focuses on their residents' desires and needs.

If you are looking into care for yourself or for a loved one, we recommend finding resident-centred care at an Optima Living community near you.
